You've heard—well, read—me rave about Daniel Boulud's restautants, well, a restaurant can only be as good as it's chefs. This quickly brings me to the former chef of Daniel, Bar Boulud, and DB Bistro Moderne, Brian Loiacono. Chef Liancono has taken the reigns at the new French restaurant Bistrot Leo and man-oh-man is serving up an absolutely incredible menu. Jesus. Like watch out the competition, shit just got really real, and fast!

Order it all. Just do it. From the Lobster Niçoise to the Eight Bone Lamb Crown—yes, a MASSIVE amount of rack of lamb. Be about it!—the dishes are all incredibly stunning. It's food you look at and want to eat. I'm telling you, if you miss a single dish and peek over at the table next to you and they ordered that one dish, you will immediately regret your decision to skip it.

 Upon the first bite, the Grilled Long Rib literally caused pause in the room both visually and audibly. It's crazy! Hmm, what else? THE POMME FRITES (yes, fries) are addictive AF. I practically ate an entire plateful myself. Get ready to be pleasantly full with food you'll be raving about before you even finish swallowing. 

Yes, this is a great spot for a date though, if I dare say it, it would be better to go with a group to—how else can you possibly order and eat everything? (And, if that sounds like a challenge you feel like accepting, mad respect!)


